Every month, the employees at Strategic Communications are given the opportunity to acknowledge exemplary colleagues within or outside their department. Three individuals were chosen by their coworkers for their commitment to customer service, perseverance in the face of challenges, and can-do attitudes!
Cheyenne Meredith | Human Resources Office Administrator

• How long have you worked for Strategic Communications?
A year and some change.
• What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?
Move past your fear. Fear is a powerful emotion but, the real damage comes from the inaction that fear enables. Accept growth by accepting change. Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear. It’s time to stop hiding and go for it.
• What is one thing, you can’t live without?
Food, besides being literal, I consider myself a foodie.
• What has been your biggest accomplishment on our team?
Assisting with our Partner Program. For the last year, I have worked with over 75 vendors, 28 who became our partner and 24 who I am currently onboarding into our programs. I love seeing where we are headed with these public safety partnerships by providing the Government access to new vendors to help keep us safe.
• If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I would love to meet up with my Grandma again, who passed away 5 years ago, she was my best friend.
• What is your current favorite TV Show, Podcast, or Book that you’d like to share with the world?
Currently listening to Up & Vanished, It’s a true crime podcast. There are currently 4 seasons and one of the seasons he helped solve a cold case.
Sam Deckel | Marketing Coordinator

• How long have you worked for Strategic Communications?
Since September of 2021, so for a bit more than 2 and a half years.
• What was your background prior to working for Strategic Communications?
Working at Strategic Communications was actually my first full-time job after graduating from the University of Cincinnati. Before that, I was a product manager intern at AWS.
• What aspect of your job do you find most rewarding or fulfilling?
Finishing up an event is always a great feeling. Whether it’s a trade show, a customer event, or a sales kickoff it always feels great to have people enjoy an event that I’ve put a lot of time into.
• What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
• Outside of work, what are you passionate about/enjoy doing?
I really like rock climbing, it’s a fun way to get a workout in and climbing trips to the Red River Gorge are always a blast
• What is your current favorite TV Show, Podcast, or Book that you’d like to share with the world?
I’m currently catching up on Curb Your Enthusiasm since the final season is airing now, I’m still on the earlier seasons but it’s one of the funniest shows I’ve watched
Dan Hewitt | A/V Programmer

• How long have you worked for Strategic Communications?
It’s been over six years now.
• What was your background prior to Strategic?
I was in the same role with my previous company.
• What is your favorite project that you’ve worked on at Strategic?
My favorite project has to be the work we did for Lynn Family Stadium
• What is your dream vacation?
I’d love to take a European river cruise
• Who is your favorite musical artist, and what was the first concert you attended?
Rush, they were my first concert in 1995
• How would your family, friends, or coworkers describe you in three words?
“Oh, that guy.”
• What is your current favorite TV Show, Podcast, or Book that you’d like to share with the world?
My current favorite book is “The Three Body Problem” written by Liu Cixin
Christine Pfortmiller | Accounts Receivable Specialist

• How long have you worked for Strategic Communications?
I’ve been with the company for 6 months now.
• What aspect of your job do you find the most rewarding or fulfilling?
I really enjoy the dynamics of accounting for AV installation projects.
• What is the best career lesson you have learned so far?
Everything is dependent upon the team with whom a person works, and I am very grateful to belong to the Strategic Communications team.
• What is your current favorite TV Show, Podcast, or Book that you’d like to share with the world?
TV Show: I am currently watching Picard
Podcast: 99% Invisible
Book: Rereading Dan Simmons’ Hyperion
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