AWS GovCloud for Government

AWS GovCloud Solutions from Strategic Communications

Strategic Communications (headquartered in Louisville KY) provides AWS GovCloud solutions for Federal, State and Local government customers. AWS GovCloud gives government customers and their partners the flexibility to architect secure cloud solutions complying with the FedRAMP High baseline. Strategic’s cloud specialists design custom platforms for your agency meeting FedRAMP, CJIS, NIST and many more compliance standards.

Why AWS GovCloud?

Government agencies migrating their workloads and applications into AWS GovCloud reap a multitude of benefits.

✔ Meet compliance regulations

✔ Protect sensitive data (Amazon S3, AWS CloudHSM, AWS Key Management Service)

✔ Stronger Identity Management

✔ Enhanced cloud visibility (AWS CloudTrail)

✔ Secure accounts and workloads (Amazon GuardDuty)

Managing mission-critical workloads

Strategic Communications supports and manages sensitive workloads and applications for government customers. Our capabilities in designing, deploying and maintaining multiple cloud environments frees up IT departments to focus on enhancing user experience, driving up revenues and reducing operating expenses.

Enterprise Applications

enterprise applications

For enterprise applications, such as Oracle, SAP, and Microsoft Windows, reliability is critical. Organizations have traditionally provisioned applications for peak demand and disaster recovery (DR) scenarios, which often leave IT resources idle or underutilized. With Strategic’s AWS capabilities, your agency improves reliability with cloud backups and optimizes costs by paying only for the cloud resources in-use.

High Performance Compute

enterprise applications

Many agencies amass large data sets holding critical insights. Strategic’s AWS capabilities enable your agency in the creation of massive on-demand clusters of compute resources in minutes, pay only for compute power used, and obtain the intelligence needed to serve your mission and citizens.

Big Data

enterprise applications

Strategic’s AWS cloud capabilities give your agency fast access to flexible and low cost IT resources, so you can rapidly scale virtually any big data application. This includes data warehousing, clickstream analytics, fraud detection, recommendation engines, event-driven ETL, serverless computing, and Internet of Things (IoT) processing. Provision exactly the right type and size of resources you need to power your big data analytics applications.

Storage and Disaster Recovery

enterprise applications

Add scalable capacity any time, and access durable and cost-effective cloud storage managed by U.S. persons, while meeting your data security requirements. Back up, store, and recover IT systems in seconds by supporting popular DR approaches from simple backups to hot standby solutions that failover at a moment’s notice.

Security and Compliance Standards with AWS GovCloud

Strategic Communications utilizes AWS solutions in architecting services to meet certain security compliance requirements for multiple vertical industries. Safeguard sensitive data, strengthen identity management and protect workloads through our Amazon Web Services expertise.

Compliance Standards Include:

DoD Security Requirements Guide (SRG)
Dept. of Commerce: Export Administrations Regulation (EAR)
IRS – 1075 Encryption Standards: FTI